07725 265559
Louise Mazzeo Chiropractic & Pilates
Appointments suitable for primary care consultation, to address spinal & skeletal injuries and overall wellbeing and body function.
Private MRI, XRay and scan referrals available if appropriate
Small group and private Pilates sessions for rehabilitation & fitness
Sessions are designed to teach efficient, effective quality movement. Individual feedback and alternatives/adaptations given depending on your needs during each session.
Currently on Maternity Leave
Chiropractic & Pilates Session updates expected Dec 2024

About Me.
I'm a Pilates Instructor and Chiropractor known for my passion, unique approach, and informative instructing style. I have helped and shared my expertise with many people recovering from injury, post surgery, with neurological conditions, seeking to improve sports performance or fitness and to recover from the daily strain of desk work. Now it's your turn.
I trained as an APPI Pilates Instructor to ensure clients used safe and scientifically researched movement patterns. The APPI method is appropriate for rehabilitation, retraining of alignment, correcting posture, improving range of motion, supporting the spine for safe sport and strength training. I have trained to prescribe exercises for clients with Neurological conditions with Mbodies training academy.
Furthermore I am a GCC registered Chiropractor (since 2008) with academic and practical diagnostic experience of movement conditions and injuries.
Enjoying research and the challenges it faces, I am privileged to be a contributing author on several peer reviewed published journals across a variety of research areas. If you find one of these you will be rewarded with a choice of a free class or gift for your efforts!


A stronger core equals a better back: Eight weeks of Pilates for individuals with long term lower back pain experienced more relief than those who visited a physician and other specialists. Pain stayed away for a full year post-Pilates. (Valenza et al, 2016; Rydeard et al, 2006)

Joseph Pilates called his workout method "the thinking man's exercise." It could very well be. Researchers measured changes in brain activity after 10 weeks of Pilates training, they found an increase in the brain's alpha peak power, which is related to neural network activity, memory performance, and other cognitive functions.

Pilates urges you to focus on 1) your breath, 2) your body, and 3) how they move together. It takes a lot of concentration forcing you to forget about your life dramas for that time. *ahh*

A stronger core equals a better back: Eight weeks of Pilates for individuals with long term lower back pain experienced more relief than those who visited a physician and other specialists. Pain stayed away for a full year post-Pilates. (Valenza et al, 2016; Rydeard et al, 2006)
Louise Mazzeo Pilates is strictly appointments only - Classes are to be reserved by prior online booking
Currently Group Pilates Classes are held online via Zoom:
Please check back Dec 2024 for an update
Group Classes and 1 to 1 sessions can be added on demand.
If you have a preferred time, please email louise@louisemazzeopilates.co.uk
to see if we can accommodate your request

Session Pricing
Pilates 1 to 1................£45
Pilates Group classes...£15
Take advantage of discounted prices for advance purchase packages
Credit packages:
Group Classes x 6....£80
Group Classes x 12....£150
1 to 1 session x 4.......£165
1 to 1 session x 8.......£300
1 to 1 session x 12*...£430
Package credits valid for 6 months
*1 to 1 x 12 package valid for 12 months
Our Address:
SA14 6BD
07725 265559
You are welcome to park on the drive.